Loving the view outside my window♥

Loving the view outside my window♥

Monday, August 16, 2010

Girlfriends in God Aug. 16, 2010

August 16, 2010  
Lassie Come Home 
Today's Truth "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9 NIV).
Friend To Friend As a child, my best friend was my collie dog, Lassie.  She was my constant companion, committed confidant, and persistent protector.  When the veterinarian told us that Lassie had an incurable skin disease, I was devastated.  My dad couldn't bring himself to have her put to sleep, so he took her to an old farmer for the remainder of her days.  But it wasn't too long before Lassie ran away. 
My dad always looked for Lassie when he was in that "neck of the woods."  Then one day, a miracle happened!  Dad saw Lassie running down the street toward him.  She looked healthier than ever and a flurry of fur, tail wagging, and sloppy dog kisses almost knocked Dad off his feet.  We were overjoyed when Lassie came cruising home in the gray Buick.
Two weeks later, my older brother was out wrestling with Lassie in the yard.  Dazed and ashen faced, he stumbled through the backdoor.
"Mom, we've got a problem," he said.  "Lassie isn't a lassie at all.  She's a laddie!  She's a boy and this is not our dog!"  
Upon closer inspection, we discovered that she was a he…and not our Lassie.  We ran ads in the paper, but no one ever claimed him.  He seemed perfectly content in our home, so there he stayed. 
Have you ever wanted something so badly - hunted, searched, and maybe even prayed - then when you found it, you realized that maybe it wasn't exactly what you wanted, but it was definitelywhat you needed? I wanted my dog back.  Laddie wanted a home.  And for one little girl and one stray pup, God's answer was perfect in every way.
God always answers our prayers, but sometimes it's just not in the way we had expected.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Unravel Me

You stand there waiting for life to carry you away….staring down at that one thread that is coming unraveled from your button. Why is it that the simple things in life can sometimes be so aggravating? Why is it that when you’re just floating along from moment to moment that something so small as an unraveling thread can make your world fall apart? Maybe because, like that thread, instead of addressing the problem as soon as it occurs, we quickly wrap it back up for a “quick fix”, saying that we’ll go back later and make it secure again. The problem with that method, however, is that we never seem to have the time, and each time, the button becomes a little bit looser. Each time, life becomes a little more unstable while in the back of our minds we know we should stop everything and put it to rights again. But—we don’t. The problem will continue to remain until one day when we’re not conscious of the continuing unraveling we find ourselves on our knees searching for what was lost: searching for the precious thing that we need so dearly but could not take just a few moments to repair and ensure its safety.

Life is too precious, and the people that we meet along the way and the moments that we share with them are as fleeting as the wind. If we do not do things the right way the first time we will be left breathless and bruised with only God to pick up the pieces. No one wants to be alone in this world, so take the time to think before you act. Take the time to take some distance on your situation and evaluate the intelligence of each decision. Your future is in God’s hands, but your actions turn the wheels that generate his power. Choose wisely: love others: love them well: think before you act….

That’s all I have to say about that.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Give it Away ♥

A matched pair, mother and daughter, walked into the playground one sunshiny day to the sound of a child's whimper nearby. The mother watched as her daughter ran to the little girl with the tears running down her face and eagerly handed her the doll in her hands saying, 

"This dolly always makes me smile, maybe it will do the same for you!"

With a grin the green-eyed girl turned around and bounded away towards the mother who was waiting with open arms. In all of the girl's infinite wisdom, she said brightly to her mother,

"I liked that doll, and we had lots of fun together, but I think maybe i need a new one. That little girl needed it lots more than me!"

Overwhelmed by the child's generosity, thoughtfulness, and maturity beyond her years, the mother smiled to herself and recorded the memory in her mind as a lesson to be learned.

  • How simple was it for the green-eyed beauty to let go of something that she cherished so dearly for the love of another? How thoughtless and pure were her loving actions that caused so much joy in so many lives? 
  • Rather than thinking, "what is right for me?", she thought (or rather didn't think, but just acted) unselfishly, "what is best for all?"

Food for thought....food for thought....♥

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When God knocks you to your knees,
It's the perfect place to be
To gain perspective on His Son,
The one who died for you and me.

For in that time of weakness
Is when His love is felt so strong.
He gave His all for us,
And continues to so long.

So instead of giving up,
And throwing in the towel,
Lift your tear-filled eyes
And feel His healing power.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

♥ Perfection or Inequality? ♥

Perfection or Inequality?
 We’ve all been in those relationships where we feel that we’re not good enough—as though we’re hanging at the edge of the cliff waiting for him/her to either stomp on our fingers and watch us fall to our certain death or pull us up and give us the reassurance we so dearly long to hear. Why is it that we continue to persist in this perpetual torture that wearies both body and mind until we nearly fall apart? Well, I believe it is because we are afraid of failure—we’ve been there before, but we thought that maybe this time would be different, that perhaps by reaching higher and trying to achieve a higher standard, things would be different, and maybe our hearts wouldn’t be broken quite so badly. 
 In my case, I thought I’d found my prince charming, that “perfect” guy that we all dream up for ourselves. Following probably the toughest breakup I’ve ever experienced, I dabbled in an online dating site just to keep myself company. The guy I had been dating for eight months and thought I was deeply in love with decided that he hadn’t loved me for two months, but had had his eye on his best friend’s girl the entire time. Yes, I was wounded, the pain so excruciating at times that I couldn’t stand to my feet—feeling as though my heart had been ripped from my chest and badly sewn up causing the rest of my insides to seep through. However, things changed when I met this “perfect” guy—and I mean mail-order, to-the-tee perfect. I thought to myself, “Finally, someone who is good enough for me and sees things my way and respects me!” But after time I find myself wondering if I am good enough for him.
Having set my standards so extremely low so that I was the one that would have the superior advantage, I managed to find the most unequally matched people for myself: from scum bags to mimes. Yes, those scum bags and mimes held the reins to my heart for a while, but there was a lack of substance in each relationship. However, I did feel like I was in control, and that I was something of value to them—something that, if lost, was irreplaceable. The mime—he respected me. He looked at me with eyes filled with love; eyes that I knew were only on me. But he wasn’t right for me, being unequally matched in both social and aspirational aspects. The scum bags—though they didn’t respect me, they fought tooth and nail to keep me around, at least giving me the illusion that I was something to be desired.
The difference between those guys and my “prince charming” was that though everything seemed perfect, I still felt expendable. Though I knew that I wasn’t stupid or dull or personality-less, his words, his actions, and his lack of commitment always managed to push me into the corner and make me feel useless. After a few weeks of seeing the true side, I began to summon my courage and stand up for myself when he would point out my problems and downfalls. When this happened, I was accused of being unstable and psychotic when the truth was that I was only fighting for my dignity. He didn’t appreciate not being in control and not feeling like he could have whatever he wanted. So, after he informed me that when I got my life together, we’d talk, I decided that that was my door out. I waited in silence for a few days, tearfully hoping that he would call, show up at my doorstep, or do something to make me feel like I was worth his time---but there was nothing—no call, no bouquet of flowers, no transmission of alphabetical sequence via any form of technology—nothing. So, I began the regular ritual of immersing myself in other people, talking to other guys, anything I could think of to get him out of my mind. Then, after about a week, I received a message from him saying that since he hadn’t heard from me, then he supposed that I really didn’t care. Ever since, the only signal I have gotten from him is one that declares all that I am missing out on. Am I not something to be cherished? When will I be permitted to feel those arms of love that tell me they will never let me go?
Perfection in a relationship, especially in the beginning, is unreal. No relationship is perfectly flawless. Sure, they’re beautiful when they’re the best, like a “perfect diamond”, but even the most perfect diamond, when closely scrutinized has its flaws. The way I see it—look for the imperfectly perfect—a project of sorts, then work your way up from there. Start from the bottom, then buffer  your way to the top together. Any relationship that starts from the top can only go down, and when you both start at opposite ends, you end up at opposite ends. Meeting in the middle only works if you already see eye to eye.

Don’t settle for perfection, reach for imperfection. Search within yourself and find the imperfect parts that can be made whole by the imperfect parts of another. A man who is completely whole on his own has no room for your partial being. ♥

Thursday, April 1, 2010

When a House is No Longer a Home

What is a house? I believe, that in the literal sense of the term, it is an accessory, a fashion statement, a doormat, a shelter, a storage locker, and an outhouse. A house is merely a space through which bodies pass in order to collect, remove, and improve things on their person to make them presentable for public appearance. However, when that house is occupied for any considerable length of time and memories are made, children are spawned, love is shared, and it collects the dust thereof: it becomes a home. Homes are not simply places that contain dressers, toilets, cupboards, and beds—they are places in which lessons are learned, children grow, and life is lived by various definitions in various cultures.
In Nicole Lamy’s essay, she explains her detachment and lack of feeling towards the many architectural spaces she once called home. I suppose if I were to switch dwellings as often as she and her family did, I, too, would be much less able to remember my house as a home. In order for a house to become a home, one must remain there for a significant amount of time in order to make memories, establish constants, and make every aspect of the home one’s own with personal touches and belongings.  Nicole Lamy and her family never remained in one place long enough to make those memories and create a comfortable, “homey” environment.
My mother did an excellent job of creating an environment that was our own and like no other. However, the personal touches that she used to create a comfortable environment with are no longer a part of the house. Of course, a few items have been left, but having not occupied that space for over a year and a half, the things that used to be so familiar are now foreigners in my world. Everything had always been so comfortable: each item in a place that made change seem unbearable when the time came for me to leave. When I first moved, it was so strange to be in another person’s created environment besides my mother’s; yet when I returned to visit, all those things that had always made me feel so at home felt eerily strange and different. You know that feeling you get when you notice something for the first time that has been in place for quite a while (or, in my case, my entire life)? That’s exactly how I feel walking into that house currently. Of course, some things are still familiar and comforting like the bathroom tiles whose pattern I have memorized over the years, or the shower, or, of course, the refrigerator. I suppose the places that I occupied the most throughout my life are remembered the most— anything to do with food and cleanliness!
For eighteen years I called Maryland home. By that, I mean that I made my territory (about a fifteen mile diameter) my home. It was the place that I felt comfortable, where I spent my time living, growing, breathing, and making memories. In a more literal sense of the term “home”, I lived in the same four walls for those eighteen years. I remember as a child crying at the thought of ever having to leave those walls that were so familiar and precious to me.  I suppose they say that moving is always difficult, but for me it was especially so—that house was home to me my entire life, and dealing with the change and oddity of returning to an empty bedroom-turned office was a very hard thing to do. Had the place surrounding my home (people, town, overall environment) not become so unpleasant, I would most likely still be there. I suppose that proves that it is not only the house and home that you reside in that makes your space a place, but the community and surrounding areas as well that make such a difference.
 I loved that house. White cape cod, black shutters and roof, fort in the back yard, little shed where I loved to go to find things to dig with or play with in the fort, for years—a sandbox, and the farmland that surrounded it all—all things that made me happy, and even now, make me sad to remember. Though the memories remain, the people and objects with which they were created no longer exist in that place. Not all the furniture is gone, and there are quite a few things left out until it sells, but it still feels empty and lonely. Rather than entering and throwing my stuff down, picking up the mail to see what I received, and going off to my room, I am left to carefully remove my shoes and place my bags neatly wherever I’m going to be sleeping for the duration of my visit. There is no expectation of mail, no familiar things in the refrigerator for me to grab on my way to my room, and no pets to run outside and care for. Now, when we return to visit (as it is not yet sold) it simply no longer seems like a home to me. Its stark cleanliness is almost abrasive and uncomfortable, nothing like the “lived in” wreck I used to call my home.
I still remember the times when we were all a family in that house, whether happy or unhappy, it was our home, full of love, and full of everything that meant anything to us. But now, however, that place, that home, has become merely a space in which I lay my head down when we visit. I suppose it could almost be compared to a hospital room or a doctor’s office waiting room. It is now simply a space that we travel through, when it used to be a place where we enjoyed each other and shared love and memories together. When I go back now and slow down the vehicle to turn in the drive-- the realtor’s sign, well kept yard, perfectly parked cars, and eerie unfamiliar appearance, make my stomach ache.
Last summer I stayed in Maryland at that house while I worked at a summer camp. At that point we were just beginning to have showings for the house, and each time, the showings would be preceded by a frantic runabout to make sure everything was perfectly in place: each floor impeccably vacuumed, and candles set on the open counter next to a plate of cookies to make it smell homey. A few times I loathed the historical tradition of welcoming guests with baked goods, seeing it as just one more thing to have to do in preparation for people who were going to take my home away from me.
I wonder how it looks from a stranger’s eyes; I wonder what they see when they walk into my kitchen and stand on the mat that my dad was always straightening out. Do they see it with as much comfort as I did, or do they perhaps only see it as walls and beams connected to sheetrock and varnished with carpet and tile? I like to think that I am accepting of someone turning my place into theirs and finding as much enjoyment out of it as I have these past twenty years, but in all honesty, my heart doesn’t want to release the keeper of so many memories to another group of grubby hands. Regardless of my inhibitions, though, it must come to be. They’ll continue to go and walk through my house, through the fairly large kitchen with oak wood cabinets, blue countertop, and brushed metal sink and on through the dining room which my mother loved in its mauve glory with sliding door facing the spacious back yard. Many mornings/evenings were spent staring out that door marveling at the beautiful sunsets or simply enjoying the fact that not a person or house was in sight: that our home was our own and private. Next, they’ll continue down the hall and do the one thing that previously would have made my mother shriek in horror: peek in her private bedroom which is attached to the master bath. Of course, it is much cleaner now than it has ever been, but the thought of a stranger doing such five years ago brings a smile to my face. Adjacent to my parent’s bedroom is mine. That room has served three purposes in my lifetime: from birth until I was maybe twelve or so, it was shared by my brother and I, but was then, as his room was finished upstairs, it received a paint/redecorating job and became solely mine! After I left, however, it became an office for my dad to keep his many papers. On the other side of the kitchen, the viewer will see the living room with its three windows that always let in so much light in the mornings. They will stand on the sky blue carpet where wrestling matches were held between both man and dog, and where we often sat to watch television or a movie.  Between the living room and the staircase is the front door through which the sunlight poured in and, no matter what season it was, would warm you if you sat in it. Also from the front door, one could stand and view the road, see countless cars including people you know. Rounding the corner, I suppose the careless intruders may begin ascending the blue carpeted stairs to the second floor. This floor was never finished until we were beginning the moving process: It only held my brothers rather large room and a small bathroom. Now, however, the rest of the space is perfect for a family room atmosphere or whatever else one may think of.
It is my bittersweet hope that someday soon another family will be able to experience this house and make their own memories within it; that they will be able to transform the space into which they first walk into a place where they can feel at home. I desire for them that they’ll  experience a home—not a house—full of hugs and laughter and relaxed humor rather than the tight-lipped, wide-eyed uncomfortable feelings that they will first experience when viewing my home for the first time. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Want to Stay ♥

So as I was making my way home this evening the song by Sugarland called "Stay" came on the radio. As I listened to the lyrics I began to realize that the words she was singing are words that I'm sure my Heavenly Father whispers to me whenever I manage to steer off course....

Many times I find myself straying from the One who loves me more than anyone else, and somehow I forget that He is All I will ever need. How is it then, that I try to split myself between loving him and loving men and the things of this world? He has done nothing to deserve second place and everything to deserve first place fully and completely. There's a saying that says, "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her." I, in my life, wish to get to that place.

The following is an edited version of the song from, I believe, God's perspective.

[God:] I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall...And I've been standing here watching, praying he won't call. It's just another call from him [just one more distraction from me], and you'll get it and be gone and I'll be crying. And I'll be begging you, Karyn, begging you not to leave, but I'll be left here waiting with my heart on my sleeve. Oh, for the next time we'll be here seems like a million years [though I'm the one who died for you]. What do I have to do to make you see that [he and all those other things that take my place] can't love you like me? Why don't you stay?
[Me:] I'm down on my knees--I'm so tired of being lonely,
[God:] don't I give you what you need? When [the things of this world call you to go, there is one thing you should know: [You] don't have to live this way, baby--why don't you stay? You keep telling me, baby there will come a time when you will leave [those things behind] and forever be mine. But [is that really] the truth? And I don't like being used and [though I'll wait forever, I am weary] It's [so] much pain to have to bear to love [someone] you have to share.
[Me:] I can't take it any longer [, this runabout I put You through]. My will is getting stronger, and I think I know just what I have to do. I can't waste another minute after all that [You've]  put in it. [You've] given [me your life, and all the best of you, why does [this world] get the best of [me]?
So next time [I want to leave your arms to make my own way, I'm gonna stay. I'm down on my knees. I'm so tired of being lonely, and you're the only one that can give me what I need. This world begs me not to go, but Lord, there's one thing you should know, I'm tired of living my life this way. I want to stay.]


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pulling the Trigger on Gender Roles

 Set somewhere around the 1940s, when women’s rights was on the rise, stands this photo with as much mystery as there is boldness. Based on the views and different things seen in present day society, it is almost impossible to believe that there was a time where women were unable to voice their opinions or hold positions equal to men. The lady pictured here, however, seems to be defying many of those cultural norms leading up to her time. Guns, which were dominantly thought of as an instrument used by men, were not the primary ornament of a lady. Even in present-day society, girls with guns are generally considered mannish or “butch”, and hardly lady-like or proper. I assume that is the very reason why the woman looks as uncomfortable as she does. The photo speaks of the changing roles for men and women in the time period surrounding the 1940s, or rather the conglomeration of men’s and women’s roles being applied to women due to the oncoming war. During the war, many women took on jobs that required the assembly of firearms, etc., forcing the social norms to be altered in order to accommodate the need for workers.
The woman in the photo emits mixed signals. Yes, at first glance the photo seems very relaxed and casual, but look further and you see that her jaw is set, legs and spine rigid: not at all nonchalant like the two gentlemen in the photo—a sign that she is uncomfortable with the image that she is portraying whether she desires to be portraying it or not. During times of change it is difficult to decide whether to stick to residual beliefs or succumb to the new beliefs that are climbing the ladder in society.
          The men, on the other hand, seem to be posing in a manner typical to all generations in their situation. Most men tend to become excited at the sight of a woman with a gun in her hands. Although I am unsure of the exact reason why this occurs, I am aware that most men act accordingly. Perhaps the reason lies within the fact that women are stereotypically defined as meek and subservient, while a woman carrying a gun, or performing any other masculine duty, is behaving outside the lines of social norms. Is it that men enjoy seeing a woman show her strength in various ways? Perhaps that will be a question that remains unanswered. Regardless, in this particular photo, two men are present—dangling at the sides of the rigid woman holding the gun, almost as though the gender roles have been switched. Usually, it is the female that you find clinging to the arm of her man with head on shoulder, or just behaving as though she needs him for support. Here, however, we see a “lady” in the center, with two men “clinging” to (or supporting) her.  No longer is the woman an ornament of the man, but the men have become the ornamental bookends of the female huntress.
          One intriguing observation to be made is the fact that, though standing seemingly at the edge of a field with gun in hand, all three musketeers are dressed as though they’re on their way to work or somewhere fancy. Never in my years have I seen a woman head out to hunt or shoot something wearing a blazer, skirt, and heels. Once, I had a friend stop her truck on the way home from church and go shoot a deer in her dress, but generally one does not prepare for such an event planning to wear a dress and heels. Men also have ceased to dress up for outdoor activities. Cabela’s would go out of business if men decided that suits worked just as well as their camouflage and orange. Not only do they bother with the clothing these days, but intense hunters must have a certain scent and all the right little gadgets that go along with the hobby. With that said, I can deduct that dressing fancy for a hunting/shooting excursion is now an extremely archaic practice that, I’m sure, most people would laugh to discover.
          The mystery that is so captivating in this photo is the look on the woman’s face. Defiance, fear, intensity, apprehension, determination—these are all words that run through my mind, but which is the true meaning of her stern expression? I know I’ve seen that look on the faces of women who are being mocked by men because of their supposed inequality in some field dominantly conquered by men. I have also noticed that, ironically enough, when a woman succeeds in that area despite pressures from social norms and expectations, however, men usually are the ones with the sheepish grins on their faces. Because of these expectations, I find that we as women tend to shy away from going after many of the things that we desire, whether they are set goals or jobs or whatever else. I suppose defiance, fearful apprehension, and intense determination are all things that could be read in the lady’s expression based on the pressures that she most likely felt which women continue to be bombarded with in the present.
          What is the main issue presented in this photo, or any other photo? I believe that the main issue is image. All photos ask these questions, “Who are we?” “With whom do we associate ourselves?” “How does our appearance affect the way we are viewed as individuals?”, and this photo is no different. Stance, posture, facial expressions, dress, and arrangement—these all welcome the viewer to examine and scrutinize those questions and form a personal opinion about the subjects therein.  At one point in the essay, “The Art of the American Snapshot”, the thought is stated that during this time period there was a great search for the “ideal image”.  As people became more aware of themselves and more timid of being out in public without the proper attire, the values of society changed considerably. Instead of not bothering as much with appearance when going out, say, to shoot some game, people began dressing their best even more than usual because of their awareness of the paparazzi.  With a fresh perception of the possibility of random snapshots being taken, individuals had to take much more care not only in what they wore, but how they walked and how they maintained their overall demeanor.
          A great example of how people wish to be represented in a particular way is scrapbooking. As Jessica Helfand mentioned in her essay, “What We Save”, scrapbooks are often discovered by others who have no previous knowledge of the individuals that coordinated them. Therefore, image and the proper portrayal of factual qualities are of high importance. Scrapbooks are made of pictures, correct? Assuming that that is correct, the pictures must entail a thought and planning, especially coming from the 1940s-1950s era. However, no matter how much one plans for a photo, emotions and insecurities always seem to show themselves. For example, the woman in the photograph appears to be strong, intense, unwavering; but as she is further examined, her look of slight fear and intimidation shows.  Bottom line: women are, by definition, the submissive creatures intended to support the man, and this photo captures (willingly or unwillingly) the subjects’ thoughts upon the matter. Whether a photo finds itself lost in the pages of a scrapbook fifty years later or wears it’s colors (or lack thereof) proudly on display, it screams about the situations, emotions, and relationships present  within itself.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Curse of Ornamental Relationships

Universally, beauty is appreciated as a gift from God, something that, if not present, is considered a curse. Well, I believe this to be untrue. Sure, I can appreciate beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful whatevers....However, when it comes to relationships and finding a base thereof, I deem beauty a curse. Why is it that whenever we search for that perfect mate we automatically judge the prospects by their immediate appearance? Well, I know, but I think it's wrong.

Beauty is so much deeper than the epidermis. For example, the Proverbs 31 woman:
  • Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
  • The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. 
  • She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
  • She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
  • She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
  • She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
  • She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. 
  • She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
  • She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
  • She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
  • She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
  • She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
  • She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
  • Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
  • She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. 
  • Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. 
  • She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is tha law of kindness. 
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
  • Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
  • Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
  • Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
  • Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates 
 Now that.....is beautiful. I think the issue that I have with society today is that, while many women strive to be as much like this perfect image portrayed in the Bible, most men (or, guys), fail to acknowledge that beauty. Instead, they take the female at face value, appreciating only the outer beauty and using their girl as an ornament for their egos. It is not feministic to desire to be seen beyond one's skin, it is only natural. A woman desires to feel needed, appreciated, and yes, beautiful....but above all there is a desire to know that her inner attributes are special, desired, sought after over and above the beauty that is imposed upon our minds as a must-have by present-day society.
I am exhausted by the pressures of this world to fill a mold that is not of God. He calls not for us women to be idols, ornaments, and favorite pastimes, He calls for us to be holy, pure, acceptable in His sight, apart from what is popular in today's culture. We are instructed in His word so set Him as a seal upon our hearts---He does "own" our hearts doesn't he? In that light, I can only assume that my heart should long for what would please him, not the sex-crazed society I am surrounded by.

Let us love the one who has paid the ultimate price in love for us....Let us offer ourselves at His feet and wash His feet with our hair. In light of eternity, His love is the only one that lasts, and His courtship will be the only one still bearing fruit after this earthly body (beautiful or otherwise) is returned to dust. I don't know about you, but my soul longs for the caress of my Savior, and the sweet embrace of His everlasting mercy and love. ♥♥♥

Do his eyes twinkle when he thinks of you, his precious child...or do they fill with tears at the sight of you giving yourself away to another idol rather than Him and His perfect plan?

The pleasure of sin lasts for only a little while...then vanishes away...but the treasures we lay up in heaven last for an eternity...and they don't make our Heavenly Father cry ♥

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Silly professor

I think my writing professor needs to sign himself up for a math class....he gave me ten out of five points on my homework from the other day....I'm not complaining or anything......as long as people don't start to question my means of acquiring extra credit =P

Monday, February 22, 2010

Free to be Me~Francesca Battistelli♥

At twenty years of age I'm still looking for a dream
A war's already waged for my destiny
But You've already won the battle
And You've got great plans for me
Though I can’t always see

‘Cause I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
I'm free to be me

When I was just a girl I thought I had it figured out
My life would turn out right, and I'd make it here somehow
But things don't always come that easy
And sometimes I would doubt

‘Cause I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
I'm free to be me

And you’re free to be you

Sometimes I believe that I can do anything
Yet other times I think I've got nothing good to bring
But You look at my heart and You tell me
That I've got all You seek
And it’s easy to believe
Even though...

I've got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
I'm free to be me♥


Sunday, February 21, 2010

When God Fearin' Women Get The Blues♥

She was the prom queen
He was the quarterback of the football team
And it all looked so promising
We never thought anything would happen like this
And then all of a sudden
Twenty-five years of love and devotion
Down the drain

We all heard her hollerin'
For a country mile
Cheatin' shows your complete lack of style
Well she took out three parking meters
And a pedestrian's purse
The day she quit the baptist choir
And threw that Ford into reverse

Lock up your husbands
Lock up your sons
Lock up your whiskey cabinets
Girls lock up your guns
Lock up the beauty shop
No tellin' if they've heard the news
Call the boys downtown at Neiman Marcus
Tell 'em lock up them high heels shoes

When God-fearin' women get the blues
There ain't no slap-dab-a tellin'
What they're gonna do
Run around yellin'
I've got a Mustang
It'll do 80
You don't have to be my baby
I've stirred my last batch of gravy
You don't have to be my baby

Call all the deacons
Call the ladies aid
Call all the altos, sopranos, tenors
Call every bass
Well call all the pentecostals
Bring that anointing oil too
Well call the preacher
He's the only one can reach her
And there's ain't no time to lose

When God-fearin' women get the blues
There ain't no slap-dab-a tellin'
What they're gonna do
Run around yellin'
I've got a Mustang
It'll do 80
You don't have to be my baby
I've stirred my last batch of gravy
You don't have to be my baby

She's on all our prayer lists
She's on all our hearts
As for the Easter cantata
We don't know who'll sang her part

When God-fearin' women get the blues
There ain't no slap-dab-a tellin'
What they're gonna do
Run around yellin'
I've got a Mustang
It'll do 80
You don't have to be my baby
I've stirred my last batch of gravy
You don't have to be my baby

Carrie Underwood~Quitter

Here's how it goes
Boy meets girl
Girl leaves boy
That's all I know
All I've done, all my life

'Cause throughout my history
I've only been with jerks
Who couldn't take it
But you see the picket fence
A swing on the front porch with us two on it

When I believe that nothing lasts forever
You stay with me, keeping us together
And make me feel like I never, ever wanna give you up
'Til now, I've always been a quitter

You rescued me
Saved my life, just in time
Saw past all my issues and scars
And made me try

'Cause ohhh, the way you're kissing me makes it hard to breathe
But I still like it
Oh, oh, it truly feels like a dream
You know exactly how I want it

When I believe that nothing lasts forever
You stay with me, keeping us together
And make me feel like I never, ever wanna give you up
'Til now, I've always been a quitter
I've always been a quitter

When I believe that nothing lasts forever
You stay with me, keeping us together
And make me feel like I never, ever wanna give you up
'Til now, I've always been a quitter
I've always been a quitter

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My weekend project♥

My Freshly painted door :) It's about timeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I love it....pink and blood red♥

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Rose Among the Thorns♥

When I think of a rose I initially think of beauty, softness, fragrance, love....but when I think further I realize that these things are only part of it. There you have a fresh rose in the peak of it's fragrance and beauty, it's dark red hue arousing sentiments of love and romance, but that's not all. Look further, try to hold it, and you get pricked by the defensive thorns it displays. Pick it, take it home, planning to admire its beauty and enjoy its presence daily, but what happens after four or five days? It wilts: it is no longer happy in the environment in which it has been placed. What it feared would happen has happened, as hard as it tried to prevent it by using all of it's grand defenses. As I think more on the rose I realize that it mirrors the qualities that I often find in myself. Love is a wonderfully amazing thing when it is found, but so often I find myself wilting despite the best of circumstances. Being chosen to be someone's girl, despite the worries and hesitations, is a great honor and pleasure, but it is also a tremendous risk. On the road to love, as I go along for the ride, my tender petals get bumped, bruised, and sometimes torn. Of course these things are never meant to happen, but they do: fact of life. Sure, he loves me, admires me, tells me things that make me melt, but still I grow weary of it all, wondering what is missing. Oh, but wait! a voice inside me whispers....and ah! I do know what is missing: my roots, my natural environment, the way God meant for me to grow! In my haste to be loved and admired did I leave behind my roots, my life support, my only means of growth?! No wonder I look inside and see my petals wilting and my stem growing weary almost so much that it cannot support my leaves. I must take myself back and graft myself to my anchor, my roots, my life line, before the last petal falls to the ground and nothing remains.

Hold me, lead me safely on, oh great Jehovah; take me to the place where my soul may rest and drink of your everlasting water that gives such peace♥

A First Kiss♥

                A first kiss…..What is it about that moment that completely rearranges one’s ability to execute simple motor skills? It’s almost as though someone pulled the cord and your body is floating in a sea of mush…complete with tingles that beg for more. I do believe that this is one of the most amazing feelings I have ever experienced. The sad thing is you can only experience a first kiss with your man once. Sure, there are times where it almost feels that way….and if you try hard enough you can imagine you’re there again, but that first time: nothing can compete.
                I love the surprise of a first kiss. I and he-both wondering when the moment will occur, and when it actually happens….Oh I just melt! You may be just walking along…holding hands…commenting on something in a boutique shop, then all the sudden somehow you end up face to face…merely inches apart, then the space diminishes and you’re locked in a moment that will forever be trapped in the treasure box of your mind. Oh what a sweet, sweet feeling that fills the mind when this moment occurs: I absolutely love it <3

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Free Willy

Gazing out over the ocean I wonder, does it ever feel lonely? It tosses and turns and rages and roars, but does it feel the loneliness that overwhelms my broken heart? I long to release myself in sweet surrender to the arms of the ocean, to be a part of the vastness of it—do I hear it call my name? This earth crunches and groans beneath my feet and cause them to be sore and tired. But the ocean….Ah…the ocean…. tis a different story. It runs wild and free, no constraints, no pressures, no nothing except for the contents within that are content to “go with the flow”. ..I wish to be within it.

Some things will never change, and some things will never be the same

Some things will never change, and some things will never be the same                   02.09.10
A woman was taking an early morning walk on the beach to soak in the salty air and listen to the sound of the rushing waves, when she noticed a small girl standing on the shoreline not too far off. The girl with tousled sandy blonde hair that blew softly in the wind stood there, not moving a muscle, as though she were completely tranquilized by movement of the ocean. As the woman moved closer she noticed that the small blonde stood rigid, with hands shoved in pockets, jaw set, with a determined glare, not a tranquil stare. “How could a small girl with so few years on her plate be so stern?” The woman thought to herself. Having seen the child, the woman’s brow furrowed as she continued to walk down the beach, unable to shake the image from her head. She thought of the circumstances that the girl perhaps had come from. Could it have been abuse, neglect, hurtful words, or so many other things? Little girls aren’t supposed to have burdens, they are supposed to have fun, play, dress up, be the little princesses that all the stories and movies portray them to be. This particular little girl, though, was anything but the innocent child we so often picture. Her toughened exterior screams for reprieve, for someone to reach out and help her, while at the same time, it tells the world that she doesn’t need anyone but herself, and that she’d prefer to be alone. As the woman glanced back over her shoulder, she caught the girl staring after her, longing for some kind of connection. She held her gaze until the girls head dropped down, then she turned and continued walking, heart heavy and saddened. She wanted to run to the small girl and wrap her arms around her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but she couldn’t, she simply couldn’t. Her throat tightened as she walked more quickly through the cool early morning sand. No little girl should be so alone, so hardened, so scarred. She glanced back for one more look, but all she saw were the waves crashing against the shore, illumined by the pinkish hues of the morning light. The tiny reflection of herself was gone almost as eerily as she appeared, but didn’t leave before leaving a haunting memory in her mind. Oh how her heart ached to go back and take the little girl in her arms and carry her off to a better place where she could play and laugh and know what it was like to not have pain.

K. Foxwell